What are the best skincare treatments to have now I’m in my 50’s?

Thursday, 16 June 2022

As we age, our skin understandably changes and you may find that the skincare products or treatments you would usually reach out for are no longer as effective. Once you hit the apparent milestone, it is understandable if you find yourself searching for the best anti-ageing products for 50’s skin. It is also worth exploring what skincare options would best suit your skin during this age changing decade.

You may be surprised to find that during your 50’s that what might once have been considered youthful skin concerns flare up again. If you had acne when you were younger it is possible to get the occasional breakout. It might feel tempting to cover any breakout with makeup, but this will usually only damages the skin further.

Here at Elizabeth M, I offer a variety of acne-safe treatments such as the very popular IPL Skin Rejuvenation which uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to gently heat the under layers of the skin to stimulate collagen and plump up the skin. The IPL system can also be used to successfully treat: red veins, age spots and fine lines and wrinkles.

As we age, you may find that your skin feels looser around your face and body and that your skin is more sensitive to sun damage. An extremely popular, natural, and safe non-surgical rejuvenation treatment that can help combat these signs is the transformative Mesotherapy Nappage. This treatment is sometimes referred to as the Celebrity Red Carpet Facial, and when you see the instant hydration and radiance it provides you with you will understand why!

Facial massage does wonders for the skin at any age but is especially beneficial for mature skin. These versatile facial tones and tightens skin, reduces the appearance of sunspots and pigmentation and restore healthy youthful texture to your skin. This treatment is fantastic if you are heading out for a one-off event but a course of six treatments is advised in order to get the full benefits.

In our 30’s and 40’s our skin starts to lose levels of hyaluronic which is what makes those fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable on our skin. A key to combating this is extra moisture and hydration of the skin. A way to restore the moisture levels of your skin is by having a sculpt and lift facial. This excellent facial leaves the skin looking rested and luminous. The addition of Nutri-dense Lumity Face Oil – a blend of 32 botanical oils and extracts – seals the deal ensuring hydration, radiance and firmness.

If you want to achieve tighter, firmer and lifted skin then you could book a “lunchtime face lift” more commonly known as the Hifu Face and neck lift. This non-surgical treatment uses ultrasound energy to stimulate production of the skin’s natural elastic bands. This quick treatment delivers an immediate lift, with results improving over time.

Whatever your skin concerns are, as your skin matures, I have a treatment to suit you. If you are unsure where to start I recommend to book in for a New Client Consultation. This will provide me with an opportunity to get to know you and your skin’s needs and I will be able to provide you with a results-driven treatment plan for your skin, whatever your age.

The Care & Attention Your Skin Needs

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